Traumatised Zebra | Assault cover up

I was a severely unwell patient in an NHS hospital and was physically assaulted by a doctor. Disclosed to nursing staff immediately afterwards and they said “I know him, he wouldn’t do something like that”. Left the hospital early before treatment was completed to avoid further contact.

Reported it to the hospital, the police, the GMC. Hospital gave vague platitudes but did nothing, police said “it happened in a hospital so not our problem”, GMC said “the doctor said it didn’t happen so it didn’t”. The worst part is seeing the trivial things that come up on the GMC tribunal website. Doctors get suspended for stupid petty arguments with colleagues but my case didn’t even go to tribunal.

In five minutes this guy detonated a bomb under my life. I was an NHS worker but after seeing the corruption and cover up I had to leave. I couldn’t with integrity stay in a system where patients were assaulted and nothing was done.

This is my story as a: Patient

NHS Trust (or Provider): Don’t know/prefer not to say

Timespan: 2022

Did you complain?: Yes

Did the Trust (or Provider) retaliate?: Prefer not to say or N/A

Would you recommend PALS as an impartial intermediary?: No

After investigation, did the Trust (or Provider) respond satisfactorily?: No

Did you take your complaint to the Ombudsman (PHSO)?: No

Your ethnicity: White British

Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Thoughts/feelings

Are you autistic?: Formal diagnosis

Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Yes

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