MariaGrazia | Mental Health information

Our manager arranged for patients mental health information to be shared with staff (we’re not clinical). Patients did not consent. I complained – my life has been miserable since – I’ve seen minutes where they talk about letting me go. They’ve asked other staff to report to them about my work. They’ve tried to put me on a PIP, they’ve tried paying me off. Guess what- only this month another patients sensitive confidential medical information was shared (it was an attempt to blacken me)

This is my story as a: Member of staff

NHS Trust (or Provider): Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust

Timespan: This year

Did you raise concerns?: Yes

Did the Trust (or Provider) retaliate?: Yes

Can you share more, perhaps tell us the tactics they used?: Bullying me, withholding resources, putting me on a PIP

Would you tell colleagues that the FTSU Guardian route is a safe one?: Unsure

Were your concerns addressed and dealt with satisfactorily?: No

Which option best reflects the Trust’s (or Provider’s) culture?: Bullying/Toxic

Your ethnicity: Prefer not to say

Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Thoughts/feelings

Are you autistic?: No

Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Yes

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