Jane Smith | My Mother abused by statutory services for many years, all due to them preventing her qualifying for NHS CHC funding in 2012.

My Mother suffered severe Strokes in 2012 which left her disabled, with health complications and Dementia. My Mother should have qualified for vital NHS Continuing Health Care all this time, but all professionals involved have insisted she has social care needs, not health needs; which are being neglected.

I arranged an independent company to carry out investigations into my Mother unable to qualify for CHC funding, who produced a report late 2017 that confirmed my Mother should qualify for CHC funding; but there was a very long delay to the CHC Assessment. Which I found out was due to the then CCG and social services in a massive dispute into who was responsible for my Mother’s care.

I lodged official complaints with the then CCG, which got ignored. As my Mother is under social services and how the care agency abuse her and caused regular problems; I lodged official complaints with them resulting in retaliation: a behind closed doors meeting took place Spring-time 2023, where a decision was made targetting myself as the centre of very serious safeguarding allegations which is still ongoing as officials are more focused in creating a smokescreen rather than have a duty of care towards those they are tasked to support and their family. Our local authority claim to treat everyone equal and have a family carers strategy of valuing and supporting family carers; none of which I have ever experienced only manipulated, threatened, coercive control, undermined and micromanaged in officials protecting themselves and the unfit care agency in abusing their power and position maintaining an unequal power dynamic with bureaucratic barriers of cultural bias, systemic bias, political bias.

A further CHC Assessment took place Feb 2024, still my Mother does not qualify for what she is entitled to by Law; free health care at the point of need, but all involved are blindsided to my Mother’s actual health needs due to budgetary constraints, when CHC funding is about a Patient’s health needs. *A primary health need is a need that is related to a condition or impairment can either be a: a) social care need and b) health need. The main reason you have care is to support your health needs or prevent them getting worse.*

This is my story as a: Family member

NHS Trust (or Provider): Don’t know/prefer not to say

Timespan: Been going on since 2012

Did you complain?: Yes

Did the Trust (or Provider) retaliate?: Yes

Can you share more, maybe share the tactics used?: As previously stated.

Would you recommend PALS as an impartial intermediary?: Unsure

After investigation, did the Trust (or Provider) respond satisfactorily?: Prefer not to say or N/A

Did you take your complaint to the Ombudsman (PHSO)?: Prefer not to say or N/A

Your ethnicity: White British

Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Prefer not to say

Are you autistic?: Prefer not to say

Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Prefer not to say

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