Dorothy | My mother was let down by the NHS and they covered it up.

A family member phoned for an ambulance. An Ambulance took 4 hours to get to my mother’s house. She had catastrophic brain damage because she had had a stroke. You have to move quickly when it comes to having a stroke. I wasn’t able to see my mother for a week after this she was in an induced coma. She had lots of blood clots in her brain. Most of her body was paralysed. We were told there was nothing more they could do, the next day they turned her life support off. Then she breathed on her own. Then we were told she was in a vegetative state after a few weeks she came out of the vegetative state. She started to improve then she developed covid from a nurse on the ward, and this made her even worse. She kept getting chest infections.

The hospital which is one of the worst in Wales in my opinion. Prince Charles Hospital. My mother was seen as a lost cause and she developed Aspiration pneumonia and died in 2021. She didn’t receive the care she deserved. She was neglected because she was so ill the nurses, doctors and neurologists didn’t try to save her because they never expected her to live.

This is my story as a: Prefer not to say

NHS Trust (or Provider): Don’t know/prefer not to say

Timespan: Nearly 4 years ago

Did you complain?: Yes

Did the Trust (or Provider) retaliate?: No

Would you recommend PALS as an impartial intermediary?: Prefer not to say or N/A

After investigation, did the Trust (or Provider) respond satisfactorily?: It wasn’t investigated

Did you take your complaint to the Ombudsman (PHSO)?: No

Your ethnicity: White British

Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Attempted suicide once

Are you autistic?: No

Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Yes

an illustration of funeral attendees walking to the church under a black umbrella

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