SAGE | Given an overdose by NHS but covered up and let die in agony, rather than admit and apply antidote

Late 2021 a very recently recruited and deficiently trained international nurse was eager to get my reluctant mother to bed and she presented a Sara Stedy lifting aid that she didn’t know how to use, that was too large a size.

Rather than standing back and encouraging my mother to lift herself as is the mandated procedure for the aids use. She being unfamiliar and negligently untrained went around my mother’s back and man-handled her by hooking her arms under my mother’s armpits and lifted her on to an unstable/unbraked lifting aid. The Sara Stedy aid was unstable as my mother was grappled on to it and my mother was simply dropped, chest first through the aid on to the ward floor, as the aid moved away/fell, fracturing her sternum bone to such a degree the sternum bone was displaced, creating a prominent chest mound.

A nursing assistant was then called to help my mother back to bed off the floor, who was the very same person who then answered a phone call from the family as my mother had called myself, after the drop, the possibility of a sternum fracture having occurred was then discussed during that telephone call.

The senior nurse on duty that evening did encourage inexperienced nurse not to formally report the drop and no medical note entries for the evening were entered and my mother was simply put back to bed in agony, untreated and not monitored senior nurse immediately then went on unplanned leave.

As my mother was talking about the drop the next day and Doctor had acknowledged a fall as having occurred in the medical notes but did not applied any treatment or applied for any medical imaging. (He later on contradicted himself and placed ‘no fall this admission’ in medical notes )The ward sister who wasn’t present when the drop happened, felt obliged to avoid any criticism of the ward staff that she manages, did then enter in the medical notes on the morning after drop, a false account that a fall backwards into chair of no consequence had happened and that my mother was fine and medically fit for discharge.

From that point in time as my mother’s health worsened dramatically but care was completely avoided by all the nursing staff, as nurses felt to highlight any ill-health would expose the existence of the sternum fracture which would then question how it had occurred and ultimately the most senior nurse would be found guilty of falsifying medical notes and would also highlight other colleagues of being guilty of joining the growing cover-up culture also.

The decision was taken by all nursing staff on the ward to join the cover-up culture and thereon completely ignored my mother’s desperate plight, the emerging and transparently life-threatening pneumonia that was only formally discovered 5 days later when a consultant who was based off the ward did discover my mother in a terrible state. Who then applied the necessary treatment rapidly just in time to save her life and he ordered a CT scan that did confirm a very harsh displaced sternum fracture that wasn’t present on the hospital admission X-Ray.

Doctor who had not treated the sternum fracture and possibly feeling guilty, as a few days later he then negligently over-prescribed an unnecessary bone health drug, 2 doses of zoledronic acid (a drug known to be a serious danger to renal health) due to his own uncertainty and a subsequent change of mind he specified an overdose amount, creating a situation whereby he presented two prescription line items. Then under chief pharmacist overall supervision, in total conflict to the drug manufacturers instructions these two specified doses were delivered to the ward in two vials with my mother’s name on them.

An unsupervised Nursing student according to her own medical note entry, after checking the cannula she infused the delivered medication, which was a 2 dose-overdose (undiluted and not to strict min. 15-minute time requirements), that was discovered during the 2-dose infusion by her nursing supervisor. Nursing Supervisor then falsely claimed that she herself had infused just a single dose and she proceeded to then fake the medical notes, deleting with chevrons just one of the prescribed and infused doses – on the prescription sheet document.

Staff then shockingly chose not to highlight the overdose and denied my mother the chance of the life saving anti-dote application of calcium glutamate, making a decision to commit my mother to a shocking and agonising death during following few days, family do regard as murder.

Doctor then retrospectively faked the medical notes evidence and placed fake acceptable values for the infused drugs mandatory pre-infusion checks for Serum Calcium and Creatinine Clearance values presenting that mandated tests had taken place the day before infusion that had not actually been checked at all. (not on central digital records).

Consultant who was on the ward when the overdose took place on did then witness pandemonium (as the cannula was dragged out of my mother’s hand in panic towards the end of the infusion that then caused a harsh bleed and caused extensive spilled blood below my mother’s bed). He then consciously avoided mentioning the resulting renal failure as a cause of death in the medical notes, and entered a cause of death that can be fully disproven by the families’ detailed science research that clearly shows death by kidney failure and associated type 2 respiratory failure that’s linked back to the overdose.

Consultant clearly decided to place a wrong cause of death statement in notes, served to actively misguide the coroner’s pathologist who didn’t then examine the kidney at cellular level at the post-mortem which in turn led to degradation of evidence.

NHS HUTH response
The trust CEO executive direction, ignored the reported incidents and managed an evasive internal response, and declared that my Mother came into the hospital system with a sternum fracture. Just declared nothing of significance happened on the ward and did not respond to the family expressed suspicions with the drug application.

Once agreeing that a SI Investigation could progress under local ICB direction, CEO allocated nursing director and Quality Governance director to corruptly influence a ICB led ‘independent’ investigation. An ICB led investigation that did not respect the scope of the Serious Incident framework directive and did actively direct to prioritise accessing a third-party care home. With the transparent corrupt aim to actively place false blame/suspicion on an innocent care home for the sternum fracture to divert blame from the clearly culpable trust.

The ICB led Serious Incident investigation has since fallen into total disrepute, and has been recalled from issue by NHS England as HNYICB investigators were caught on video clearly lying to the family multiple times. These same lies then do appear in the written investigation report. The existence of these lies is fully accepted by Chief Nursing Officer . All lies delivered by ICB investigators were all clearly motivated to avoid the transparent trusts blame in my mother’s injury and death.

The ICB led Serious Incident investigation that has fallen into full disrepute and it is noteworthy this document does rely heavily on cross-references back to the trusts ‘complaint response’ document, particularly the declared detailed medical content.

A trust ‘complaint response’ document that suspiciously emerged via the trust chairman in a perfectly parallel timeline to ICB investigation serves as a handy cross-reference to desperately support a false position on the circumstances of my mother’s death as reported in ICB led SI investigation report.

The trust ‘complaint response’ document is full of fake pseudo-science that can easily be scientifically dismissed, was prepared and distributed by the trust board, that being it was drafted by the trust Lawyer and the detailed content supplied by trust board members CEO and CMO.

The ICB led investigation Serious Incident was then pro-actively sent to the coroner’s office and police in a blatant attempt to whitewash all facets of the various investigations to try and demonstrate a genuinely independent investigation had delivered an honest conclusion that they could use, that would serve to hide the facts fully away.

The current trust CEO has not withdrawn the ‘complaint response’ from distribution and he must know that it is referenced within the ICB report (that suspiciously is still not safe guarded within the NHS STEIs system and is seen as live by CQC). and as such he takes full ownership. Therefore trust CEO and other directors are clearly all guilty of trying to pervert the course of justice and should face criminal charges.

This is my story as a: Family member

NHS Trust (or Provider): Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Timespan: 3 years ago

Did you complain?: Yes

Did the Trust (or Provider) retaliate?: Yes

Can you share more, maybe share the tactics used?: Fake complaint response report was prepared by HUTH trust – full of childish pseudo science – report left unsigned – CEO retired next day after its delivery.

HNYICB then prepared a fake formal SI report, that family caught investigators lying using TEAMS meeting screen capture software. – the very same lies appear in report they distributed – CNO was sent the video of investigators lying -as a result the SI report withdrawn outwardly, (but is noted it is still on the NHS STEIs system with no note or safe guarding applied).

NHS England – the replacement promised new SI has now been 14 months awaiting commissioning and will clearly not be progressed – I am in dialogue with NHS [name redacted] – who has Warned me of releasing the video my mother did leave explaining what happened to her, and the video of the ICB investigators lying to victims family.

NHS England refused to place wording to effect ‘investigate possibility of an overdose’ on the investigation terms of reference document.- meaning this investigation that’s yet to be commissioned is doomed to be useless anyway.

Police – Were approached to investigate but gave family an Occurrence number and not a formal crime number and have also tried to fully cover up the crime, we have evidence of police lying also.

I have access to medical scientists and have prepared a police ‘victims right to review’ which can’t actually be applied because no crime no taken out, that police don’t want to admit.
Now police are pretending they are enacting ‘Victims right for review’ to their own limitless time schedule to discharge a ‘victims right for review’ submission I tabled that contains full scientific proof everything I say, that my mother was murdered is true.

Coroner – refuses to take 3 year old case to inquest (stating police have approached him and he is awaiting a report that will never happen)
Coroner was also suggested this case will never go to inquest, without explaining, I see that as showing his intent to cover up also.

NB . The HNICB SI report author/investigator is a part time coroner who is familiar with both the local coroner and the police senior investigating officer (she used to be the

I found out she sent the fake HNYICB report out before its issue to both her contacts at the police and a private coroners officers email address before its issue to facilitate a planned whitewash.

Ombudsman content set they are awaiting promised NHS England investigation despite it being promised 14 months ago and they dont even understand the scope as they haven’t seen the terms of reference.

The IOPC (police regulators) are investigating Humberside police for corruption on this case – but have passed to forces own PSD and hence this is corrupt also.

Would you recommend PALS as an impartial intermediary?: No

After investigation, did the Trust (or Provider) respond satisfactorily?: No

Did you take your complaint to the Ombudsman (PHSO)?: Yes, but they didn’t investigate

Your ethnicity: White British

Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Prefer not to say

Are you autistic?: No

Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Prefer not to say

3 skeletons sitting on a beam, covering their eyes, ears, and mouth, and these words are below: 'Never Did No Harm'

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